Why was my payment declined?

1 min. readlast update: 06.16.2024

If your payment has been declined, it's usually due to one of the following reasons:

  • Insufficient funds in your credit card/bank account (most common) 
  • Credit card has expired 
  • Incorrect credit card or bank account details were entered 
  • Limitation placed by your financial institution over your card or bank account 
  • Payee industry or payment type is prohibited

When a payment is declined, you will be immediately notified by email. 

Please check the card/account details you have entered are correct and available funds are sufficient. If this is not the issue, you will need to contact your financial institution for assistance.

If you would like us to attempt to process the transaction again, please send a request to support@pay.com.au

Alternatively, you can resubmit your transaction with an updated or different payment method.

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