Why isn't my account active yet?

2 min. readlast update: 06.11.2024

If your account hasn't been activated, it is likely due to one of the following reasons:

You have not completed onboarding

Onboarding your business is key to getting your new account up and running. If incomplete, you will be prompted to continue onboarding by simply logging into your account.

If you are having issues onboarding your business, our support team will be happy to assist. The easiest way to do this is by logging in and starting a chat with us, but you can also call or email support@pay.com.au.

You've opened an account on someone's behalf

If you've been asked to invite a director or beneficial owner to finish onboarding because you are not one yourself, then that individual must register and finish onboarding the business before the account can be activated.

Your account is pending review

Once you've completed onboarding, our team will review your application within 1 business day. If all requirements are met, your account will be activated, and you will be notified via sms and email.

If we require further documents to verify you or your business, then our team will be in touch via email within 1 business day. Until then, your account will not be active to make payments.

Failed verification

There are cases where details you've provided about you or your business do not pass our electronic verification process. This could be due to: 

  • spelling errors
  • invalid or expired identity documents
  • recent changes to personal or business details

Please check to see if the reasons above are affecting your application. Our team will be in touch via email within 1 business day to assist with verifying your identity. 

For further assistance, please start a chat, call, or email us at support@pay.com.au.

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