Where do I find my driver's licence card number?

1 min. readlast update: 06.27.2024

The card number is not the same as your licence number, and will be found in different spots depending on which state issued your licence.

Australian Capital Territory

  • Front of card, printed vertically, left-hand side of photo.  

New South Wales

  • Front of card, right-hand side, above photo.  

Northern Territory

  • Issued before 10th Dec 2020 - Back of card, bottom-left corner.
  • Issued since 10th Dec 2020 – Back of card, along bottom of card.  


  • Issued before June 2019 – Back of card, bottom-right corner.
  • Issued since June 2019 – Front of card, under signature.  

South Australia

  • Back of card, top-right corner.  


  • Back of card, top-right corner.  


  • Issued before November 2022 - Back of card, small characters, directly underneath your year of birth. 
  • Issued before November 2022 with change of address - The 4th line of the change of address sticker.
  • Issued after November 2022 - Front of card, top-right corner.

Western Australia

  • Back of card, right-hand side. 
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