What are pay.com.au's fees?

1 min. readlast update: 06.24.2024

Depending on how you use our platform, there are three fees you can incur: 

  • Subscription plan fees: If you upgrade from our free plan to either the Regular or Premium plans, the subscription plan fee is paid either quarterly or annually for continued access to the benefits offered by those plans. 

See our pricing page for more details. 

  • Credit card processing fees: Incurred on all credit card transactions, the processing fee percentage varies depending on your selected plan and the type of card you use (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX).  

Note: There are no processing fees for payments made via a linked bank account. 

See our pricing page for more details. 

  • PayRewards package fee: You can choose to earn additional benefits as part of your transaction when processing a payment.  At the time of making a payment you will be presented with an option to select additional benefits packages, which include earning PayRewards points along with other benefits (such as access to our luxury concierge service partner, Quintessentially). This fee is a percentage of the total transaction and the rate varies depending on which tier you choose.  

Note: These are optional benefits, so you can choose not to add these when making a payment. 

See our PayRewards page for more details. 

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