I can't link my bank account using Basiq

2 min. readlast update: 06.10.2024

If you're having issues when trying to link your bank account via Basiq, then it is typically due to:

  • Your banking institution not being available to connect to via Basiq.
  • An error message from Basiq when trying to link your bank account.

Where this is the case, please reach out to support@pay.com.au.

Our team will enable you to add a bank account via an alternate method, where you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Go to your PayWallet and click on the “Add” drop down, then select "Bank account"

  2. Follow the prompts to enter your bank account details.

  3. You will then be requested to upload a recent bank statement for this bank account. This only needs to detail the bank account name and the last four digits of your bank account number

  4. Clicking “Next” will then trigger two small micro deposits (i.e. $0.07 & $0.06) into your bank account. This may take 5-20 minutes for the deposits to appear within your transaction listing

  5. When you see the deposits land into your account, enter the two amounts in the amount fields and click “Verify”

  6. Once this has been completed, our team will assess the uploaded document as well as the bank account added and will reach out once this payment method has been approved for use

That's it! You'll be all set up ready to make payments with your bank account on pay.com.au. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

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