How to set up custom authorisation rules

2 min. readlast update: 01.05.2025

To set up custom authorisation rules for your account, you must be the Account Owner. If you are not the Account Owner, please ask your Account Owner to set up custom authorisation rules for you.

The steps for setting up custom authorisation rules are:

  1. Go to Settings > Payments.

  2. Select Supplier payments or Payroll payments.

  3. Choose whether you want All payments or only Payments above a limit to be subject to the authorisation rules.

  4. Select which users or user groups you require first authorisation from

    1. If you select multiple authorisers, or a group with multiple users, in a step - only 1 user will be required to authorise before the payment moves on to the next authorisation step (if applicable).

If you require more than 1 authorisation step

  1. Select Require another authorisation.

  2. Select which users or user groups you require the next authorisation from.

    1. If you select multiple authorisers, or a group with multiple users, in a step - only 1 user will be required to authorise before the payment moves on to the next authorisation step (if applicable).

When you have set up all of the authorisation steps

  1. Select Save

If you require authorisation for both Supplier and Payroll payments, select the other group and repeat the steps.

If your rules are the same for both Supplier and Payroll, just set 1 rule type up. When you go into the other group, you will be able to Apply the settings from the other group.

How do I see who needs to authorise a payment if I am not the Account Owner?

Once you have submitted a payment, it will appear in your Review & Authorise page.

  1. Click on the payment to show the details drop down.

  2. Select View details (underneath Authorised by).

  3. You will see a pop up with the Authorisation steps required and the status of the authorisation/s.

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