How do I submit a supporting document for payroll?

1 min. readlast update: 06.10.2024

Payroll payments will only be processed if all employees are listed on the supporting document. 

When paying a new employee, please ensure that you provide us with an updated document.

  1. Download a PDF version of the Employee Remuneration Report from your accounting software. Alternatively, you can download and fill out this template.
  2. Check that the names and details of the employees you are paying are listed in the report. 
  3. In your account, go to Make a Payment > Payroll Payment. 
  4. Select the checkbox to acknowledge that the employee(s) listed are legal employee(s) of your company. 
  5. Click Upload Document and select your document. 
  6. Our compliance team will review the document before processing the payment. 
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