How do I manually reconcile payments in Xero?

1 min. readlast update: 06.23.2024

1. Log in to your Xero account
2. Under Business Bank Account, click on Reconcile items

3. Select the line item you would like to reconcile and click Find & Match

4. Select the matching transaction(s) you need to reconcile

5. Click Adjustments > Bank fee

6. Fill in the Bank fee transaction details as below:
Contact -
Description - processing fees
Account - 404 Bank Fees
Tax rate - GST on Expenses
Amount - copy and paste the amount your balance is out by

7. Click Reconcile

Note: If your payment made via the platform through the Xero integration declines and is not appearing within invoice table, please please feel free to reach out to and our support team will assist in moving this payment back to 'Awaiting Payment'

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