How do I make a scheduled payment?

1 min. readlast update: 01.12.2025

To make a scheduled payment, navigate to Make a payment, and select Later when  you're on the Payment details step. Use the guide below to follow along.

  1. Select Supplier payment Enter manually.
  2. Select the Payee you would like to set up scheduled payment for.
  3. When asked when you would like to pay, select Later.

  4. Choose the date at which you would like the payment to be processed and click Continue. Note: Your chosen date, is not the remittance date; it is the payment processing date.
  5. Select your preferred payment method. Review the "Estimated remittance date" that is calculated based on your selected payment method, and time of authorisaton.
  6. Continue to select your PayRewards preference, and then review and confirm your new payment.


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