How do I add, edit and remove payees?

2 min. readlast update: 06.10.2024

Adding a new Payee

  1. Navigate to Payees and click Add Payee
  2. Choose BPay, Bank Account or Payroll and complete the form:
  3. Select the checkbox to acknowledge that the payee is not in the Prohibited Industries and Payments. 
  4. Click Add Payee

IMPORTANT:  Please check account numbers are correct. is not liable for losses if incorrect information is entered.  

  • Enter a Payee Name (e.g. a nickname to be used in only) 
  • Search or enter the payee’s ABN or Business Name
  • Select a Payee Industry Type
  • Add payee’s email and phone (recommended). 
  • Enter payee’s Biller Code.
  • Enter a Customer Reference Number (CRN) (optional)
    • If you wish, you can leave this blank and populate it each time you make a payment.
Bank Account
  • Enter a Payee Name (e.g. a nickname to be used in only) 
  • Search or enter the payee’s ABN or Business Name
  • Select a Payee Industry Type
  • Add payee’s email and phone (recommended). 
  • Enter payee’s Account NameBSB, and Account Number
  • Enter a Payee Name (e.g. a nickname to be used in only) 
  • Add payee’s email and phone (recommended). 
  • Enter payee’s Account NameBSB, and Account Number

Editing an existing Payee 

  1. Select the pencil icon on the payee you wish to edit. 
  2. You can now edit the payee’s name, contact details, or account details. 
  3. Select the tick icon to save your changes. 

Note: To change a payee’s ABN or Business Name, you will need to delete the payee and add them again. 


Deleting a Payee 

  1. Select the bin icon on the payee you wish to delete. 
  2. Select Confirm Delete (this action cannot be reversed). 
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