Can I set up more than one account?

1 min. readlast update: 05.05.2024

Yes, you are able to open multiple accounts to support your other businesses.

Multiple businesses are supported by having entirely separate and distinct accounts. You'll be able to access both accounts using the same login credentials.

To add another account, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log into, and click on your business name in the top left of the platform.
  2. Click + Create new.
  3. On the following screen, click Get started.
  4. You will now be prompted to onboard your business by providing details and submitting any necessary documentation.
  5. Once the onboarding process is complete, and we've activated your new account, you will be able to invite any other users and start making payments.

Related articles:

Why does my business need to be verified?

Why isn't my account active yet?

Can I simplify my multiple sets of login credentials?

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