Can I consolidate my multiple login credentials?

1 min. readlast update: 05.06.2024

If you are currently using different login credentials to log into multiple accounts, then we can help consolidate these into one.

  1. First, decide on your preferred login credentials (email address). Don't worry about which of your accounts those credentials currently access.
  2. Log in with your non-preferred credentials, and invite your preferred email address as a user to this account.
  3. Log out, and log back in with your preferred credentials. You'll now be able to switch between your accounts using the switcher in the top-left corner.

Note: Repeat steps 2-3 for other sets of credentials you might have.

While this will let you access your accounts with one set of credentials, you'll notice that you're unable to assign the role of Account Owner. In order for us to help you with this, please log in with your preferred credentials and start a chat with us.

Alternatively, please reach out to with the following information. Note we will need to verify your details.

  • Name
  • Preferred email address
  • Usernames (login email addresses) you wish to have consolidated
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