Can I change my account name?

1 min. readlast update: 06.12.2024

You can change which business name uses for your entity in your Account Settings. 

By default, your entity's legal name will be used as your account name. Your account name is used for the following purposes:

Identifying your accounts in the platform

Since we support multiple accounts, your account name is used to help you differ between your accounts. If you have multiple accounts using the same ABN or an entity with a long name (e.g. Trusts), you might want to use one of your other business names.


For each payment you make, your business will be invoiced for any fees associated with that payment. We'll use your selected account name when addressing such invoices.

Remittance advice

If you add an email address for a payee, we will send them remittance advice on your behalf when the payment is remitted by us. This remittance advice will contain your selected account name.

If you have multiple business names registered with your ABN, and would prefer to use one of these instead of your entity name, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Details.

  2. Select Edit on Business information.

  3. Select your preferred Business name from the drop-down and click Save.

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